Functional fitness for 50 and over

Functional fitness for 50 and over is a training program specifically designed to improve the body’s ability to move efficiently. It focuses on posture, mobility, stability, functional strength, cardiovascular endurance, breathing, and body composition. Training focuses on improving metabolic systems and working toward a functional age that is younger than one’s chronological age. Training can be done individually or in small groups at one of RestoreFit’s affiliate facilities, in-home, or online.

Post-rehab training

This training is for the person who has completed physical therapy and wants to continue to improve functional movements. Clients can be training to return to sports, active fitness or improve their movement independence. RestoreFit Specialists communicate with the client’s physical therapist to develop the best course of training and achievable expectations. Clients are not required to have a physical therapist referral and can progress at their desired pace. Training can be conducted in a client’s home or at one of RestoreFit’s affiliate facilities.

Functional movement assessment

The functional movement assessment is used to identify asymmetries which result in functional movement deficiencies. The FMA aims to identify imbalances in mobility and stability during eight fundamental movement patterns. These movement patterns are designed to provide observable performance of basic locomotor, manipulative, and stabilizing movements by placing an individual in positions where weaknesses and imbalances become noticeable if appropriate mobility and motor control is not utilized. Once these deficiencies have been identified through the FMA, a program of corrective exercises is then developed with the goal of improving functional movement patterns.